Thankful for All Who Support Our Cause

It’s coming up on almost 3 years when Wade and I decided to start The Monka Foundation. A tribute to Insley’s life, a honoring of legacy, and a glimmer of hope for the darkest time of our lives.

Our conversation started in the hospital when we knew that the light of our lives and so many others was fading, we knew to survive in a world without Ins physically we had to keep her spirit alive. Insley’s light was and is so bright, we felt in our hearts that her time on this Earth although was physically over her impact, her kind heart, and her brightness could not be. We knew we had to carry her with us everyday and show the world what her purpose here was all about.

When we created The Monka Foundation we had no idea what we were doing, where it was going to go, and how we would get there but we had a community that was holding us up, carrying us through and encouraging us to make this happen.

We could never be where we are today with Monka or have been able to give what we have if it wasn’t for this incredible community, most who never got the chance to meet Ins but have been able to see the magic she left behind.

Coming up on our 3rd gala, we are amazed with all of you, all of our friends who help us with the event, the people who come out to support it, and the love that you all give to The Monka Foundation, Wade, Rush, Me, and most of all our angel Ins.

Thank you to all who have bought tickets, who have donated items for the auction, the friends who have worked tirelessly helping me plan, and for this community that wants to give back in our fight against pediatric cancer and help us honor our daughter.

Thank you for believing in us and our cause. Thank you for inspiring us with your hearts, while holding sweet Ins in yours.

Committed to the Fight Against Pediatric Brain Cancer.

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